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Meet Rachel Dylan!

56157759_2198407000249657_2803427331371171840_nPlease join me in welcoming, Rachel Dylan to the WordyNerdyBlog.

SHAREE: Thanks so much Rachel for being here! I have absolutely loved the Atlanta Justice Series and I think Breach of Trust is becoming my favorite! I’m still reading so I won’t be offering any spoilers, but I will say plan to be up late reading with this one.

I’m so excited for you all to meet Rachel. She’s an amazing writer and a beautiful person! If you’re not already an avid reader and fan of her books, I’m urging you to start today with Breach of Trust!

Let’s dive right in and start with writing questions.

Everyone’s always curious about where writers get their story ideas. Have any of your stories developed as a result of cases you’ve worked on (realizing confidentiality plays a huge roll here) or have your characters come from people you’ve met?

RACHEL: None of my stories have arisen out of cases I’ve worked on, and as you suggest, that’s by design. I choose topics and situations that are outside of my cases. But of course, being a lawyer is built into my DNA at this point, so I do bring those parts of me into the story.

SHAREE: I love audiobooks because I can be doing chores while listening to a great book. Would you share a little about the process of converting your books into audiobooks? Do the narrators contact you to make sure they’re conveying the story and characters accurately?

RACHEL: For my Bethany House books, it’s completely dealt with at the publisher level, and I’m not directly involved. For the Windy Ridge Series, which is Indie, my awesome agent got me the audio deal. I have worked with the narrator on pronunciations, and I’m thrilled at how the Windy Ridge Series has come to life. I’ve been listening to the audio during my commute to work.

SHAREE: Could you tell us about your next series and the release dates?

RACHEL: I’m starting a new series called Capital Intrigue and book one: End Game releases in January. This book still has legal elements but brings in a broader group of law enforcement characters and government agencies. I’m really excited about it. End Game involves an FBI and NCIS agent along with a JAG attorney and some other great characters.

SHAREE: Woowhoo!! Can’t wait for that series! You have some of the coolest book trailers. Do you create them yourself?

RACHEL: Yes, I do. Unfortunately, the website I was using to create them has shut down! So, I’ll have to look for other options in the future.

SHAREE: I’m sure the next trailers will be as just as fabulous. Now, for those writers in our reader audience, what writing advice were you given or do you have, that you’d be willing to share with new authors?

RACHEL: Write the story of your heart and know that there isn’t just one way.

SHAREE: Oh, I love that! One of the things that is especially interesting about you is that you’re a lawyer as well as a multi-published, award winning author. I’m astonished how you do both and you do it remarkably well. What would you say is the key to balancing the two?

RACHEL: I ask myself this everyday LOL. The bottom line is there is no substitute for hard work. I take my work ethic from being a lawyer and apply that to my writing. Given the time constraints I have, I must stick to a schedule.

SHAREE: Yes! Writing is hard work and I so appreciate keeping to a schedule. What kind of law do you practice?

RACHEL: I worked in a large law firm for eight years as a litigator defending large companies. Now I work in-house at a global automobile manufacturer. If you pay attention closely enough to the cars my characters drive, you might be able to guessJ

SHAREE: The hunt is on to learn what cars those are! For our readers, if know the answer, please consider adding it to your comments below. As a fellow animal lover, I always enjoy seeing pictures of your fur-babies. Can you tell us a little about them?

RACHEL: Yes! I have five furry babies—two dogs and three cats. Four of them are rescue including a three-legged cat. Chloe the Labrador is the oldest. She turns 13 in April. Happy Birthday!!

SHAREE: AWWW Happy Birthday Chloe! If you could write the book that changed the world, one that would be read for centuries to come, what message would you want it to convey?

RACHEL: That God’s love is relentless, and no matter how far gone you feel like you are, Jesus will meet you there in the darkness and walk with you through the fire and into the light.

SHAREE: Amen and amen! Was there a particular book or television show that propelled you toward wanting to be a writer?

RACHEL: I’ve loved writing since I was a little girl. My love for reading and English classes started super early.

SHAREE: Yep, me too!! Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

RACHEL: I love connecting with readers via email or on social media. You can find more info at http://www.racheldylan.com.

SHAREE: Please connect with Rachel and be sure to grab your copy of Breach of Trust! Rachel, thank you so very much for being on my blog!


ISBN-13: 9780764219825 Publisher: Bethany House