Blind Spot


ISBN-13: 9780764212963 Publisher: Bethany House

Blind Spot is book three in the Chesapeake Valor series and it’s a great addition to the group. Dani Pettrey has a talent for incorporating multiple storylines and weaving them into a strong, suspenseful plot with relatable characters. I loved Declan Grey and his intelligent, controlled manner. The romance between he and Tanner Shaw built to a place where you couldn’t help but cheer them on.

I especially loved the mystery of the suicide / murder case. But my favorite character was Luke and I can’t wait for him to take us into book four. At least, I hope he does! The man deserves a happy ending.

I enjoy Dani Pettrey’s writing and find myself whipping through her books fast while thoroughly engaged in the story the entire time.

Book Four can’t arrive soon enough! I give Blind Spot five out of five stars. A great read with action, suspense and romance.