Tangled Webs by Irene Hannon


ISBN-13: 9780800724542 Publisher: Revell

Dana Lewis just wants to find a place to put herself back together. Her grandparent’s cabin is the logical choice because it’s always been her refuge in the past. Until an Ex-Army Ranger bolts through her house in the middle of the night to rescue her from the imaginary demons invading her dreams.

Finn McGregor wants a place to recoup and regroup. His alone time is drastically altered when he meets his next-door neighbor. A woman strong but hurting, he’s drawn to Dana and his desire to help her offers a way of healing for himself.

I loved the story of Finn and Dana’s self-discovery and budding romance, but one of the most moving parts of Tangled Webs was Police Chief Roger Burnett and his dedication to his beloved bride. As she fights Alzheimer’s, Roger is determined to do the best he can for her care and that means her living in a healthy and great care facility. But that costs money and Burnett is out of it. When a mysterious letter comes into his hands and provides absolution for a criminal it may provide the answer for Burnett. It also means him putting aside his own beliefs and morals. A big price but one worthy of love.

Tangled Webs is a great romantic suspense and the third book in the Men of Valor Series. A five out of five rating for sure. I received the book from Revell Publishers and have provided my honest review here.